Pearce: Congresswoman
Virginia Foxx from North Carolina's 5th district is facing a tough fight for reelection, due more to the R beside her name than the strength of her opponent. Dr. Foxx is facing
Roy Carter, an unknown highschool football coach with no experience in elected office. However, in an election cycle in which "change" has become the golden rule, the Congresswoman is being tested. Virginia Foxx should be able to withstand the anti-Republican sentiment by reminding voters of her Appalachian conservative values and record of using her feisty personality and impressive work ethic to make things happen for them in the U.S. Congress. Voters should also know that she has recently received the "
Tax Fighter Award" from the National Tax Limitation Committee which said “Congresswoman Foxx’s votes on tax and spending issues earned her an ‘A’ grade and the Tax Fighter Award." "Congresswoman Foxx has been a major asset to taxpayers across America.
She has the courage to challenge the orthodoxy of Washington spending and earmarks.” This is certainly the kind of voice most citizens of the 5th distict want in Congress. I therefore expect that, after taking a good look at Dr. Foxx's four year record in the House, voters will send her back for a third term.
Presidential Race:
Pearce: Bucking the trend of most other national polls, the new
AP poll shows a White House race that is dead even.
FT: Mr. Obama has the strongest sustained lead any candidate has enjoyed for 12 years and is also bolstered by leads in many of the individual battleground states, such as Pennsylvania, that outperform his position in the national surveys.
1 comment:
Virginia Foxx is an incredibly divisive figure. What you call a feisty personality looks more like meanness when you listen to what she says and see how she votes. All she does is rant against Democrats. Her motto seems to be "Divide And Conquer" whereas the true American ideal is "United We Stand."
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