Presidential Race:
Time: Why hasn’t Obama run away with this? Because the country remains culturally divided. Because the more it looks like Democrats will score huge gains in Congress, the more worried “soft Republican” voters get. More...
CNN: Focusing on three states will provide a window through the November 4 election chaos. No other state provides as much excitement up and down the ballot as North Carolina. More...
The Fix: On our latest Fix electoral map, we have Obama at 349 electoral votes -- his highest total since we began picking the playing field earlier this fall -- while McCain stands at 189 electoral votes... North Carolina, which we are giving to McCain, could go for Obama. More...
Dome: The 2008 election in North Carolina can be summed up as an analogy with 1932, 1976 and 1992. More...
NYT: North Carolina's straight ticket flawed. More...
WP: Obama accepting untraceable donations. More...
RCP: No toss-up map has Obama with 375 electoral votes to McCain's 163.
NC Senate Race:
Duke Chronicle: When Sen. Elizabeth Dole was named Duke's "Leader of the Year" by The Chronicle in 1958, the honor left little doubt in many students' minds that the Woman's College Student Body President would go far after graduation. More...
FOXNews: North Carolina Sen. Elizabeth Dole's campaign is refusing to take down an ad that accuses her Democratic rival, Kay Hagan, of accepting money from "godless Americans," after Hagan demanded that the Republican incumbent "cease and desist." The two campaigns are in a nasty dispute over the commercial, which began running statewide in North Carolina Tuesday. More...
Pearce: Senator Dole's new ad targeting Hagan for her involvement with the Godless Americans PAC has gained a great deal of national attention today. CNN, The Hill and Dome have interesting articles about the ad controversy.
Note: Both of Dole's new ads are posted below. The embedded videos do not appear in emails, so click "Pearce Godwin" to see them on the site.
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