AP: Republican John McCain declared "I'm going to win it," dismissing polls showing him behind with little more than a week to go in the presidential race. A confident Democrat Barack Obama drew a jaw-dropping 100,000 people to a Denver rally and rolled out a new TV ad asserting his rival is "running out of time." More...
WSJ: John McCain proclaimed Sunday that his presidential campaign remained viable, while Barack Obama warned his supporters against overconfidence in the home stretch of the general election. More...
Cook: Since early September this race has shifted rather dramatically in Obama's favor. As long as the focus is almost exclusively on the economy, this race is almost unwinnable for McCain... At this stage, the most relevant question would seem to be: "How big will the train wreck be for the Republican Party up and down the ballot in November." More...
Rothenberg: While major media outlets are hesitant to pronounce the presidential race over for fear of being harassed by Republicans and conservatives, there isn’t much doubt at this late date that it is over. Democratic Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) will be elected president in less than two weeks. More...
Sabado: The fundamentals of this election year could not be more Democratic. You've got a terrible economy, a deeply unpopular president and an unpopular war. You put those elements together and it's going to produce a Democratic victory. ... The only question is, what size? More...
Washington Post: There are no "Obama 2008" buttons, banners or T-shirts visible here at U.N. headquarters, but it might be difficult to find a sliver of territory in the United States more enthusiastic over the prospect of the Illinois senator winning the White House. More...
Pearce: Joe Biden was angered by hard hitting questions during an interview with a local Florida station on Saturday. The Obama Camp is now punishing the station.
CNN: Sarah Palin warned that putting Obama in the White House along with Democrats running both chambers of Congress will turn the country into a nanny state. More...
Dome: Some talking points about North Carolina for political talking heads.
Dome: The case for Obama winning in North Carolina.
Dome: Local political experts disagree as to which presidential candidate will take North Carolina. See the opinions and analysis of Wrenn, Davis, Pearce & Kromm.
RCP: Obama already has 306 electoral votes to McCain's 157. 75 remain toss-ups.
Senate Race:
Washington Times: Sen. Elizabeth Dole is currently in the fight of her career to keep her U.S. Senate seat in North Carolina. A number of factors have made the seat, formerly held by Sen. Jesse Helms, harder to hold onto during this election cycle. More...
The Fix: Boy is this race between Sen. Elizabeth Dole and state Sen. Kay Hagan (D) tough to call! This could well be the closest contest (in terms of raw vote) on the Senate docket this cycle. More...
WRAL: Dole remains passionate about public service. More...
Canadian Star: They're just a couple of old codgers sitting on their rocking chairs in front of a North Carolina country store, but they could be on the vanguard of a radical change in the way American politics is conducted over the next two years. More...
CNN: Sens. Mitch McConnell and Elizabeth Dole are two top Republicans lawmakers who find themselves fighting to hold on to their Senate seats. They're also two reasons why Democrats are talking 60 -- the number of seats needed to secure filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. More...
CNN: GOP argument is don't give President Obama a blank check... Dole has become perhaps the most vulnerable of the red state Senate Republicans in what might be the clearest sign of the GOP's woes this election season. More...
San Fran Chronicle: The shock in Senate races isn't that Democrats are winning the Republican West, but that they're on the verge of taking seats in the South, the GOP's stronghold since the Reagan presidency. More...
Winston-Salem Journal: Dole said in an interview that she hopes some Obama voters will split their tickets and vote for her -- as clear an indication as any that times have changed since the Helms era. If Obama wins North Carolina or comes close, Dole will be counting on ticket-splitters. More...
I've added several live feeds from major news outlets to my blog. Look along the left side of the page for the latest headlines from Drudge, Fox, CNN, Politico, Under the Dome, Roll Call, The Hill, Washington Post and more. Don't have time to check all these sites? Get the quick rundown at www.pearcegodwin.com.
Also, vote in my election polls. McCain is currently leading Obama 16-15, and Dole is leading Hagan 20-8.
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