Cook: Maybe some cataclysmic event occurs in the next two weeks that changes the trajectory of this election, but to override these factors, it would have to be very, very big. More analysis...
Rove: In the campaign's final two weeks, voters will take a last serious look at both presidential candidates. The outcome of the race isn't cast in stone yet. If Mr. McCain succeeds, he will have engineered the most impressive and improbable political comeback since Harry Truman in 1948. But having to reach back more than a half-century for inspiration is not the place campaign managers want to be now. More...
Buchanan: This center-right country is about to vastly strengthen a liberal Congress whose approval rating is 10 percent and implant in Washington a regime further to the left than any in U.S. history. Headed for the White House is the most left-wing member of the Senate, according to the National Journal. To the vice president's mansion is headed Joe Biden, third-most liberal as ranked by the National Journal, ahead of No. 4, Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders. More...
New York Post: Joe Biden warned that America's enemies would test Barack Obama with an international crisis within six months if he's elected president - a shocking comment John McCain eagerly pounced on yesterday to claim Obama isn't ready to be commander-in-chief. More...
Senate Race:
WSJ: Though we doubt most Americans realize it, this would be one of the most profound political and ideological shifts in U.S. history. Liberals would dominate the entire government in a way they haven't since 1965, or 1933. If the U.S. really is entering a period of unchecked left-wing ascendancy, Americans at least ought to understand what they will be getting. Americans voting for "change" should know they may get far more than they ever imagined. More...
RCP: As is the case in House races across the country, Republicans are watching their hopes of preventing a cascade of Senate seats tumbling toward Democrats collapse. Top 10 Races...
Pearce: The following are excerpts from a personal appeal going out to all of my facebook friends in the Tarheel state...
"I have had the distinct honor of working in her Senate office on Capitol Hill since July. I have seen first-hand her tireless work and great heart for North Carolina… Senator Dole has the passion and principles that North Carolina needs and deserves… For decades, Senator Dole has given her all for causes bigger than herself… She is the right person to represent North Carolina and lead our country out of this current economic crisis and onto our greatest days… I believe in Elizabeth Dole and hope the voters of North Carolina allow me the opportunity to serve with her for years to come." See my entire message...
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