Pearce: All polls are confirming a major bounce for McCain-Palin after their convention.
Drudge led his page today with a downtrodden picture of Obama with headline "Cruel September." McCain has taken the lead in the
Real Clear Politics average for the first time since the end of the Democratic primary with his biggest ever margin over Obama, 2.9 points. The Gallup poll showing a 10 point lead has the widest margin by far, but all other polls show either a tie or a slight McCain lead. Notice the drastic increase/decrease in the candidates' chart lines. This is very exciting for supporters of McCain and Palin, already energized by the convention. Democrats are back on their heels a bit, wondering why their candidate is not comfortably ahead in this polical environment.
Note: You can now access my blog at www.pearcegodwin.com on "the internets" or just use "the google." (Thank you G Dub)
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