Republicans will see wins in any of the three as a rejection of the Democratic agenda as Obama was victorious in both states and New York's 23rd district in 2008. Democratic losses, the GOP line goes, should spook Democrats in Congress who will face voters in conservative or swing districts next year, making them more timid about supporting Obama and Pelosi's signature liberal initiatives such as health care reform and cap & trade legislation. This will almost certainly prove true given that politicians seek to cover their own hide first, even when that effort puts them in conflict with party leadership. These Democrats will not be anxious to walk the proverbial plank for Obama if he proves unable to turnout the voters who elevated him to the presidency without his name on the ballot. Without a doubt, intensity is now solidly on the side of the GOP, just as it was for Democrats in 2006 & 2008 capitalizing on widespread discontentment with President Bush.

The Virginia Governor's race is absolutely over as the Republican candidate, Bob McDonnell, has opened up a commanding lead over Democrat Creigh Deeds. Given my work on the race, this victory will be especially rewarding. For proof that this one is a lost cause for the Democrats, look no further than the White House. Over a week ago the administration cranked up the CYA machine and began throwing Deeds under the bus for ignoring their wisdom from on high, even before Obama made his final stop with the candidate. The truth of the matter is that Creigh presented no concrete plans and represents a party that is ramming government down people's throats, rubbing all Republicans and most independents the wrong way, especially in Virginia as those swing voters "flock" to McDonnell. As PG friend, Curt Anderson, sarcastically wrote in Politico, Deeds' loss had nothing to do with the president's 25-point drop in job approval, promise.
On Election Day, McDonnell has a substantial enthusiasm gap and money on his side. With the "North Stars" lining up solidly behind the Republican, the only remaining question in this race is how soundly McDonnell will wallop Deeds and how much of a drag the lackluster Deeds campaign will be on down-ballot Democrats running for seats in the House of Delegates. Today will undoubtedly end in a GOP landslide in the Commonwealth, a state Obama won by 7 points one year ago. My latest involvement in the race was in the creation and writing of DiscoverDeeds.com, a website highlighting the DEEDSaster that would be a Deeds governorship. Check out the site, sign up and join the Facebook group!

The X-factor in this race is independent candidate Chris Daggett who has polled as highly as 20 percent and is taking some of the vast anti-Corzine vote away from Christie. Daggett could well play spoiler today, but with 68 percent of voters believing he has no chance of winning, Republicans hope the historic trend of third party candidates under-performing the polls at the ballot box will hold true, handing Christie the victory.
On Election Day, this race is a pure toss-up with polling all over the map in the final days. On average, Christie is up by 1 point, well within the margin of error, but giving the GOP hope in the final hours in a reliably blue state which handed Obama a 15 point victory last November. It all comes down to the ground game today where the historically strong Democratic organization meets the intensity expressed by disenfranchised Republicans. Unfortunately, the outcome may remain a mystery late into tomorrow morning and beyond, recount anyone?

What a dramatic finish we've had in New York's 23rd Congressional district. This race is a special election triggered by Obama's appointment of long-time Republican Congressman John McHugh to be Secretary of the Army. The X-factor, and eventual front-runner, in this race has been Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman. Republican county chairmen selected liberal Dede Scozzafava as the Republican nominee to face Democrat Bill Owens. From the outset, the conservative base was unsatisfied with the choice and began to rally around Hoffman who had unsuccessfully pursued the Republican nomination. Hoffman went from a footnote to a serious candidate with an endorsement and enormous financial assist by the anti-tax Club for Growth.
In mid-October, observers started to wonder if Hoffman could actually win as polls began showing him neck-and-neck with the Democrat, outpacing Scozzafava. Over the last 10 days, high profile Republicans including Sarah Palin and Tim Pawlenty, both potential Presidential nominees in 2012, started a wave of support by lending their endorsements. By midweek, the talk was of a more likely "miracle" win by the third party candidate, and commentators were trying to figure out what it all meant.
On Saturday, the race took a crazy turn as Scozzafava, noticing her paltry poll number, dropped out of the race leaving only Hoffman and the Democrat, Owens. The RNC immediately professed full support for Hoffman, recognizing that the base had sent a strong message. Upon hearing of her withdrawal, team Obama jumped into high gear seeking a Scozzafava endorsement for the Democrat. They succeeded as Dede gave her party the ole birdy in endorsing Bill Owens with only hours remaining in the race. Even still, conservatives see a Hoffman victory on the horizon. However, with the unprecedented theatrics of the last 72 hours, NY-23 can only be considered a toss-up as polls open in the North Country.
The results in Virginia will be known early tonight; the other two races could keep us up late. In 2004, I welcomed a nice birthday present in the form of W Still the President; in 2006, I was up until the sun rose over Scotland with a less rosy outlook for Republicans back here in the US; in 2008, I stood in Salisbury, NC taking in with sadness Elizabeth Dole's concession speech. Tonight, I look forward to celebrating in Richmond with Bob McDonnell. And, if the wind is blowing just the right way, I'll be celebrating a Republican/Conservative sweep up and down the East Coast!
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