Politico: Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Tuesday unveiled a new bank rescue plan that includes a "new consumer business lending initiative to leverage up to $1 trillion dollars to kick start the secondary lending markets." More...
Politico: Sen. Judd Gregg abruptly withdrew his nomination as commerce secretary Thursday, telling Politico that he “couldn’t be Judd Gregg” and serve in Barack Obama’s Cabinet. More...
WSJ: Less than a month after former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was removed from office, in part for allegedly trying to auction off a U.S. Senate seat, the man he finally appointed to that seat was forced to defend himself against calls for his own resignation. More...
WSJ: There are 343 colleges playing Division I basketball. They're spread all over the map -- 24 in California, 13 in Louisiana, at least one in every state save Alaska. And yet, three of the very best hail from the same narrow strip of North Carolina tobacco country. More...
Politico: Senate passes $787 billion stimulus bill. More...
McClatchy: Will the stimulus actually stimulate? Economists say no. More...
WP: Wall Street slams plan with sell-off. More...
Bloomberg: U.S. taxpayers risk $9.7 trillion on bailout programs. More...
AP: Fact check: Obama has it both ways on pork. More...
N&O: Shuler hits Democratic leaders on bipartisanship. More...
US News: Republicans trail Obama Dems by only one point in poll - anti-stimulus push is working. More...
Reuters: Iraqis open arms to romance as violence fades. More...
Times: Cloud of debris girdling earth after satellites crash. More...
The Sun: Nuclear submarines collide under Atlantic. More...
AP: Chavez wins vote to scrap term limits in Venezuela. More...
NY Post: Chimp victim hanging onto life. More...
IHT: Wi-Fi takes to the skies. More...
Telegraph: Televisions to be fitted in contact lenses. More...
Daily Telegraph: Bushfire inferno toll rises in Australia. More...
AP: McDonald's January sales up 7.1 percent. More...
AP: China monthly auto sales overtake US for 1st time. More...
Telegraph: Obama throws Joe Biden under the bus. More...
N&O: Obama not taking sides in UNC-Duke. More...
WSJ: The real stimulus burden- We'll be paying for then for many years. More...
Rove: Obama's legislative victory comes at high cost. More...
Brooks: The worst-case scenario. More...
Krauthammer: Iraq- Good news is no news. More...
WSJ: Obama's antiterror progress- he embraces bush policies. More...
Friedman: The open-door bailout. More...
Brooks: Showing some discipline. More...
Ferrara: Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics. More...
Schiller: Obama's rhetoric is the real catastrophe. More...
Noonan: Is 'Octomom' America's future? More...
Morris: Our deadly debt- How stimulus prolongs pain. More...
Morris: Benedict Arnolds of the GOP. More...
Limbaugh: No concensus on stimulus bill. More...
Frum: The wrong war at the wrong time. More...
Kibbe: Obama should channel Harding, not FDR. More...
WataugaWatch: Shuler speaks out against his party's leadership. More...
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