PGBlog "Midterm Maelstrom" only 6 days away! Handicappers jacking up House forecast. Cook 48-60. Silver 52. All #s on PGB.
PGBlog Taking off from Virginia to ride out the last 5 days campaigning for @Ron4Senate in Wisconsin! Let's get out the vote GOP!
PGBlog RoJo leads Feingold by 9 @ 53 in new poll 4 days out! Enthusiasm gap manifested in my talks with Wisco voters today.
PGBlog 86 hours away! Forecasts continue to rise. PGB's 60 now midpoint of Rothenberg's 55-65. All #s and countdown on PGB.
PGBlog PG Blog just passed 5,000 site views! On top of thousands of email reads. Thank you!! Make your calls in PGB Polls.
PGBlog @wisgop makes the most calls in the nation today w/ over 160k and takes top spot in the nation for calls made in the 12 day GOTV challenge.
PGBlog Johnson "has been running a devastatingly effective campaign" for senate. Wisconsin voters are ready for hope & change!
PGBlog "WI been run by Dems. Not in very good shape. Feingold's with the in crowd. Johnson's with the out crowd. Case closed."
PGBlog Election Eve Gallup: GOP could gain anywhere from 60 seats on up, with gains well beyond that possible. Obama @ 45%.
PGBlog Nate Silver at 538 has compiled an awesome and dynamic Election Night tracker. His models project GOP +53 in House.
PGBlog Overall, 17 point swing on the generic ballot since Jan '09. 10 of those 17 points were in Obama's first 6 months.
PGBlog Plugging Gallup's GOP +15 Generic Ballot margin into conventional House correlation formula predicts 77 seat gain.
PGBlog @fivethirtyeight points to 5 reasons we could wake up Nov 3rd to Republican gains exceeding high expectations.
PGBlog Final Gallup enthusiasm gap in 1994, before a 54 seat GOP gain? 5 points. Election Eve poll has GOP up 7 this time.
PGBlog Grim Dems cite ObamaCare. "Everybody that is tied will lose, and everyone that is ahead by a few points will lose.”
PGBlog WaPo: At the start of the campaign, House Democrats' 39-seat majority seemed insurmountable. Democrats are in jeopardy from coast to coast.
PGBlog I was very impressed with Sean Duffy of MTV Real World fame yesterday, poised to put Obey's WI-7 seat in GOP hands.
PGBlog Democratic Agenda (Stimulus, ObamaCare, Cap & Trade) and victories in VA, NJ & MA defined this Midterm.
PGBlog Dem Coalition in tatters: GOP winning independents (+20, 28pt swing), women (+4) & college grads (+20).
PGBlog Rossi (R) wins vast student poll in WA Sen race 53-47. RCP tie. Potential 9th GOP pickup. Hope mom & dad listen!
PGBlog Obama world view was "that of a conventional liberal Democrat but he was president of a nation that was center-right."
PGBlog Pres Obama misread his mandate in lurching towards bigger government. His victory resulted from a desire to change Washington, not America.
DEMOCRATS AND OBAMA: “We can spend a trillion dollars we don’t have on pork and stuff.”
AMERICANS: “No … that’s not what we want. We’d really like you not to do that.”
DEMOCRATS: “You’re stupid. We’re doing it anyway.”
AMERICANS: “That’s not going to help us get jobs!”
DEMOCRATS: “Sure it will; millions of them … though they may be invisible. You’ll have to trust us they exist. And guess what else we’ll do: We’ll create a giant new government program to take over health care.”
AMERICANS: “That has nothing to do with jobs!”
DEMOCRATS: “We don’t care about that anymore. We really want a giant new health care program. We’re sure you’ll love it.”
AMERICANS: “Don’t pass that bill. You hear me? Absolutely do not pass that bill.”
DEMOCRATS: “Believe me; you’ll love it. It has … well, I don’t know what exactly is in the bill, but we’re sure it’s great.”
DEMOCRATS: “You’re not the boss of me! We’re doing it anyway!”
AMERICANS: “Look what you did! Now the economy is way worse, we’re even deeper in debt, and we have a bunch of new laws we don’t want!”
DEMOCRATS: “You’re racist.”
AMERICANS: “Wha … How is that racist?”
DEMOCRATS: “Now you’re getting violent! Stop being violent and racist, you ignorant hillbillies! And remember to vote Democrat in November.”